
Clothes Don’t Come Out As Good As Washing Machine Brands Promise?

Here is Why! Did Everything You Could, And Yet Clothes Fade Over Time? Here is Why!

And again, you think, “Okay, so a good detergent is necessary, but a great washing
machine is quintessential for a perfect wash. I may need to switch brands!”

You do all that just to find that your clothes are still not getting the wash they deserve. They are still fading, which they shouldn’t after investing heavily in good technology and product.

Why is that?

Most people don’t give enough attention to the fact that although factors like
detergents and washing machines do play an important role, it is WATER that is used for a wash ultimately.

Have you ever considered checking the quality of water you are using for your

It may be HARD.

Yes, Hard Water tends to affect the clothes severely after repeated washes. Let’s find out some crucial things about hard water and how it may be the reason for bad laundry!

Firstly, What is Hard Water?

Water, which is rich in minerals such as calcium and magnesium, is hard. Water picks up these minerals while flowing through rocks and soil dissolving them into itself. The ions of these minerals do not separate easily, and as a result, their clusters get deposited on surfaces from where the water flows. These surfaces could be tiles, plumbing, or clothes.

What Happens When You Wash Your Clothes With Hard Water?

When soap gets mixed with hard water, scum is formed because of the insolubility of calcium and magnesium ions. This scum gradually gets deposited in clothes, which then affects the quality of clothes.

Not only that, but hard water is also responsible for:

  • The increasing yellowness of clothes with washes
  • Stiffness and harshness of fabrics
  • Brown streaks after repeated washings
  • Tearing of fabrics, especially cotton and other natural fabrics
How Do You Fight Hard Water Problems?

It is essential to understand that you will have to go for ways to soften the water for better washes. There are several options for water treatment technology, and Kashyap is one of the best ones.

Kashyap’s Scale Defence is a water softening treatment that works on impulse technology and is specifically designed for washing machines. Our hard water treatment does not allow scum production and eliminates the probability of tearing and yellowing of clothes.

Why Kashyap Is Better Than Other Water Treatments

Kashyap’s Scale Defence need external installation and therefore it doesn’t need plumbers or experts for it to start working, which is not the case in chemical or magnetism based soteners.

Moreover, Scale Defence works only on electricity, and need no maintenance in the form of salt or chemical refills. Because there’s no internal working involved and it treats water physically, there’s no wastage, which makes our product 100% eco-friendly!

Also, unlike magnetism based softeners, Scale Defence works consistently.

In all, you choose a product that does not harm the environment, works correctly without maintenance, needs no external expertise for installation, and treats hard water effectively, when you choose Kashyap’s Scale Defence.


Are You Using Salt-Based Water Softeners? Here Is How Much You Are Impacting The Environment

Traditional Salt-Based Water Softening And Its Impact On The Environment

How important is water for you?

Just important enough for you to stop caring until you are cut off from its

Or important enough for you to prompt when someone’s wasting it?

Or so important that water sustainability is a part of your lifestyle, and you always think of how the coming generation must have as easy access to safe water as we have?

Irrespective of which of the above importance levels you belong to, if you are already using, or thinking of using salt-based water softeners to get rid of the hard water problems, here’s a fact that might change your mind:

29526.21 litres of water go down the drain in the process of water softening using salt-based softeners in just ONE WEEK. Yes, that’s how it impacts the environment!

That 29526.21 litres could be your average water usage for six months, including twice a day baths!

3750 kg of cotton can be grown using that 29526.21 litres litres of water!

Considering the average amount of water needed to cook per day is 5 litres, 29526.21 litres litres could be used to cook for 7.5 years!

We can continue, but let’s just say that in one week, you are NOT CONSUMING, but WASTING water, which could have been put to good use.

And for what? Just so that you don’t have to keep using hard water?

Of course, hard water is rich in minerals like calcium & magnesium, which are prone to damage your electronic equipment, plumbing, and tiles, and you need to get rid of it.

But there are much better ways to do it, environment-friendly ways to do it!

Kashyap- 100% Eco-friendly Hard Water Treatment

Kashyap, a Make in India project, was developed to design an effortlessly eco-friendly technology to solve all hard water problems, including scaling and rusting.

It was our primary goal to address the negatives of other water solutions, especially the ones that affected the environment, without forcing the users to compromise on the quality.

While salt and chemical-based water softeners have this big drawback of putting sustainability at the back seat, magnetic water treatments didn’t do that but were not efficient enough.

So, our job on hand was to come up with a solution that not only gives 100% efficiency without putting the sword of the water crisis on our heads.

And that’s how Kashyap Anti-scaling Technology came into existence!

Kashyap Anti-scale uses impulse technology, to not let the harsh minerals deposit on the surfaces. Not only does it prevent scaling, but it also removes the existing scale deposition after a certain time.

Along with the benefit of Kashyap being 100% eco-friendly, you also get another advantage, which is cost-efficiency. There’s no need for salt/filter changes for our anti-scale system to work, nor does it require any plumbing for installation.

Basically, it is a simple, external device that treats water externally without impacting the environment.

What do you think? We say you must try at least once, just for the sake of the environment if you must!


Are You an Industrialist?

Are You an Industrialist? Here is How Hard Water is Affecting Your Operational Efficiency!

A Industrial processes generally involve usage of water, and if at all, it also includes heating and cooling procedures, scale deposition is faster than usual. Over time, the scale build-up could cause the following problems:

  • The increasing buildup of limescale reduces the flow of water, which hampers the production capacity in terms of pressure and amount, ultimately forcing the industries to replace the piped often. This increases operational costs.
  • If hard water is used in cooling towers, it reduces the efficacy of heat transfer, which ultimately reflects the efficiency of the process.
  • Uninterrupted scale deposition is then converted to rust, which leads to corrosion and replacement following that.
  • In equipment that uses heat such as boilers, hard water hampers the heat exchange process forcing the industries to spend regularly on maintenance.

In all, if your industry uses hard water, whether it’s textile, pharma, or any other, maintenance costs will definitely rise.

So, what’s the option?

Water Softeners, you say?

NO. Why? Because the costs will just be transferred from your pipe’s maintenance to the softener’s maintenance. And most importantly, the water-waste generated by chemical softeners will not only impact the environment but will also increase your water bill and put you under the radar of the environment department.

Here Is The Perfect Solution- Kashyap Anti-scale!

It’s Affordable

Unlike other water treatments, Kashyap just needs a one-time installation! With an
exchange warranty of 5 years, it is almost a golden deal! There are no additional
operating costs, such as chemicals, salts, or anything else. It runs on electricity and needs no expert on-site for installation.

It’s Efficient

Kashyap Anti-scale works on impulse technology, which makes it stand out among the
softening devices in the industry. Unlike chemical softeners, it doesn’t need much time to soften the water, and unlike magnetic treatments, it doesn’t work just around the rods. Kashyap works up to 1 km, and its effect remains for the most prolonged period.

Above All, It’s Eco-friendly

Kashyap, as we said earlier, is an external treatment. No use of chemicals. No wastage of water, and no use of salts; it completely works on electronic impulses, making it an eco-friendly hard water treatment.

If you too, are looking for a hard water treatment that not only eliminates your
operational costs but also makes your dream to go eco-friendly true, Kashyap is what you are looking for!

Get in touch with us to reduce your operational costs to a minimum and bid farewell to scaling!.


How does Hard Water form Rust Stains in your house?

What is Hard Water?

As we all know, water flows! It is stationary only when in a lake, or emerges in the well which as well has flown through various regions before being deposited there.

So when it flows through rocks rich in limestone, gypsum, or waterbed that is rich in calcium and magnesium, it fuses with these minerals. And that’s how hard water is formed. Interesting, right?

What’s even more interesting is that there are two types of hard water- temporary and permanent. Yes, there’s a classification of hardness as well! To put it simply, temporary hardness could be reduced by merely boiling it. In contrast, permanent hardness, which is caused by the presence of calcium sulfate or calcium chloride and magnesium sulfate/magnesium chloride in the water, do not precipitate out as the temperature increases. As a result? Yes, permanently hard water.

Now, the important question, why does hard water form stains?

If you may have noticed, no, you definitely would have noticed stains of water on your bathroom tiles or your plumbing. Not necessarily brown, these stains start with white spots on pipes and wherever water flows from or accumulates.

So, why does hard water leave stains from wherever it flows?

The thing is, the minerals we talked about earlier, which are responsible for making the water hard, yes, calcium and magnesium, are heavy. Their ions fail to flow along with the flowing water and gets deposited along the way.

These deposits are called scales. Now the journey from scales to rust stains goes like this… once the scale deposition starts and you fail to do anything about it, scaling

How you could get rid of everything, hard water, scales, and stains

There are several ways people do it, including the use of acid to clean the stains, the use of water softeners to treat hard water, and the ion-exchange method that replaces the hard ions.

But none of them has proved to be 100% effective.

And here is where Kashyap, that’s us, enters!

Kashyap is an eco-friendly hard water treatment that uses impulse technology to resist scaling. Our Anti-scale product not only stops scaling but also removes old scale deposits.

With no need for maintenance post-installation, and no water wastage in the process, Kashyap is just what one needs for solving all the hard water problems, and that includes staining.

You can comment below to state your queries, and we’ll do our best to get in touch with you!

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