
Are You Using Salt-Based Water Softeners? Here Is How Much You Are Impacting The Environment

Traditional Salt-Based Water Softening And Its Impact On The Environment

How important is water for you?

Just important enough for you to stop caring until you are cut off from its

Or important enough for you to prompt when someone’s wasting it?

Or so important that water sustainability is a part of your lifestyle, and you always think of how the coming generation must have as easy access to safe water as we have?

Irrespective of which of the above importance levels you belong to, if you are already using, or thinking of using salt-based water softeners to get rid of the hard water problems, here’s a fact that might change your mind:

29526.21 litres of water go down the drain in the process of water softening using salt-based softeners in just ONE WEEK. Yes, that’s how it impacts the environment!

That 29526.21 litres could be your average water usage for six months, including twice a day baths!

3750 kg of cotton can be grown using that 29526.21 litres litres of water!

Considering the average amount of water needed to cook per day is 5 litres, 29526.21 litres litres could be used to cook for 7.5 years!

We can continue, but let’s just say that in one week, you are NOT CONSUMING, but WASTING water, which could have been put to good use.

And for what? Just so that you don’t have to keep using hard water?

Of course, hard water is rich in minerals like calcium & magnesium, which are prone to damage your electronic equipment, plumbing, and tiles, and you need to get rid of it.

But there are much better ways to do it, environment-friendly ways to do it!

Kashyap- 100% Eco-friendly Hard Water Treatment

Kashyap, a Make in India project, was developed to design an effortlessly eco-friendly technology to solve all hard water problems, including scaling and rusting.

It was our primary goal to address the negatives of other water solutions, especially the ones that affected the environment, without forcing the users to compromise on the quality.

While salt and chemical-based water softeners have this big drawback of putting sustainability at the back seat, magnetic water treatments didn’t do that but were not efficient enough.

So, our job on hand was to come up with a solution that not only gives 100% efficiency without putting the sword of the water crisis on our heads.

And that’s how Kashyap Anti-scaling Technology came into existence!

Kashyap Anti-scale uses impulse technology, to not let the harsh minerals deposit on the surfaces. Not only does it prevent scaling, but it also removes the existing scale deposition after a certain time.

Along with the benefit of Kashyap being 100% eco-friendly, you also get another advantage, which is cost-efficiency. There’s no need for salt/filter changes for our anti-scale system to work, nor does it require any plumbing for installation.

Basically, it is a simple, external device that treats water externally without impacting the environment.

What do you think? We say you must try at least once, just for the sake of the environment if you must!

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